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Audio Basic Professional

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Keeping Tuned In & Balanced: Personal Wellness for the Nurtured Practitioner

1.5 Hours

Course Description

Do you ever wonder how you're going to make it through another day? Do you find yourself getting heart palpitations, feeling anxious, developing a headache, not knowing what you can do for yourself? Do you wish you had a way of getting away from documentation, computer screens, Smartphones, IEPs, and staff meetings? Come explore 5 simple exercises you can do in less than 10 minutes each so you can feel tuned in and relaxed.

All 1-3 hour courses included for $89 / Year


By the end of this course, participants will be able to:

Identify signs of burnout.
List 5 simple activities you can use to regulate and center yourself during "chaos", and avoid burnout during a session in school, in the clinic and/or at home. 
Explain brain function, respiratory system function, and bodily functions that impede or foster emotional and/or physical well-being.

About Presenters

Elaine Fogel Schneider


Elaine Fogel Schneider, PhD, CCC-SLP is an award winning certified and licensed speech and language therapist, Dr. Elaine Fogel Schneider has traveled the world offering strategies to parents and professionals about raising calm, inspired, and successful children, in addition to offering assessment and therapy strategies to parents and professionals about communication disorders, and effective TouchTime® strategies for bonding and developing secure attachment between parents, or caregivers, and children. She is an invited speaker to parenting groups, school districts, early intervention programs, childcare agencies and preschools. Dr. Fogel Schneider enjoys working with all children, including children on the autism spectrum. She provides consultations, coaching, training, assessments and therapy, and enjoys speaking and writing, and is a contributor to many magazines, newspapers, and blogs. She also provides telecommunication strategies and coaching, and provides face to face consultations in Southern California.

Additional Information
Intermediate, Partial Credit Level
0.15 ASHA CEUs

ASHA CE Provider approval and use of the Brand Block does not imply endorsement of course content, specific products or clinical procedures.

Course Timeline

10 min: Introduction of topic and speaker
20 min: Signs of burnout
20min: Simple activities you can use to regulate and center yourself during "chaos", and avoid burnout during a session in school, in the clinic and/or at home
25min: Brain function, respiratory system function, and bodily functions that impede or foster emotional and/or physical well-being
15 min: Questions & Answers

Course Disclosure

The content of this course is based on the research and experience of the presenter. You are responsible to do your own research to determine if the information and skills taught are appropriate for your clients/students/patients.
Disclosure Statement for Elaine Fogel Schneider
Financial Dr. Elaine Fogel Schneider is the author of 7 Strategies for Raising Calm, Inspired & Successful Children and is the Owner of Service for infant massage and reducing burn out seminars.
Nonfinancial Dr. Elaine Fogel Schneider has no non-financial disclosures.
Other The presenter has written a book on this topic. This course will only cover information that pertains to the effective and safe use of the above-named product(s).

Elaine Fogel Schneider


Included In:
Audio Basic Professional

Purchase this course for $39.99