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Beyond Workbooks: Cognitive Rehabilitation for Traumatic Brain Injury

4.0 Hours

Course Description

Cognitive rehabilitation is moving away from drill and practice, toward a real-world focus. This course describes 6 functional approaches to cognitive rehabilitation (without workbooks) applied across cognitive domains of attention, memory, executive functions, and pragmatic communication. Collaborative approaches to assessment and goals setting are described and case studies included to illustrate the process of functional cognitive rehabilitation.

Related Courses:
Beyond Workbooks: Cognitive Rehabilitation for Traumatic Brain Injury
Let’s Leverage the Benefits of Tech to Help Cognitively Impaired Clients

All courses included for $189 / Year


By the end of this course, participants will be able to:

Describe 6 approaches to cognitive rehabilitation.
Apply the 6 approaches to cognitive rehabilitation across domains of cognitive rehabilitation: attention, memory executive functions, pragmatic communication
Describe a multi-dimensional approach to evaluation that incorporates standardized testing, questionnaires, and diagnostic treatment.
Describe components of collaborative goal setting.
Apply course content to 3 case studies.

About Presenters

Don MacLennan


Don MacLennan has provided cognitive rehabilitation across the continuum of care for veterans with TBI for over 35 years. In his work at VA he has served as a consultant to the field in functional cognitive rehabilitation and assistive technology and as a consultant to the Department of Defense in cognitive rehabilitation for service members with mild TBI. He. Is a recipient of VA’s Rick L Bollinger Clinician of the Year award and has special interest in applying cognitive rehabilitation to help veterans return to work and school.

Additional Information
Intermediate Level
0.40 ASHA CEUs

ASHA CE Provider approval and use of the Brand Block does not imply endorsement of course content, specific products or clinical procedures.

Course Timeline

5 min: Intro: goals, scope definition of cognitive rehabilitation
20 min: 6 approaches to cognitive rehabilitation
15 min: A mindfulness approach to workbooks
25 min: EBP Tx for attention
20 min: EBP Tx for memory
20 min: EBP Tx for executive functions
20 min: EBP Tx for pragmatic communication
15 min: BREAK
5 min: Etiologies and symptoms of TBI
15 min: Assessment for TBI
40 min: Collaborative goal setting for TBI
10 min: Case Study I – self talk strategy for auditory comprehension
15 min: Case Study 2 – process simulation strategy for self-motivation
35 min: Case Study 3 – return to school with mild TBI

Course Disclosure

The content of this course is based on the research and experience of the presenter. You are responsible to do your own research to determine if the information and skills taught are appropriate for your clients/students/patients.
Disclosure Statement for Don MacLennan
Financial Don MacLennan received compensation for this presentation
Nonfinancial No relevant nonfinancial relationships exist.

Don MacLennan


Included In:
Audio Basic Professional

Purchase this course for $119.99