Harnessing Emotional Intelligence for Workplace Success

Language and Literacy Resources You Can Use in Speech Therapy Tomorrow

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Language and Literacy Resources You Can Use in Speech Therapy Tomorrow

Whether you are supporting preschoolers with language delays, students who are learning English as a second language, or students with complex communication needs who rely on augmentative communication, symbol-based therapy materials are probably one of your go-to resources. However, for many Speech Language Pathologists (SLPs), there is never enough time to create language-rich activities that are engaging and meaningful for the students on our caseloads. In addition, there seems to never be enough money to purchase new materials. What if I told you that there are FREE, evidence-based materials that you can download in minutes and use in therapy tomorrow? Explore these three must-have resources that every SLP will use and love (and did I mention, free?).

#1: Core First Learning – Books and Lessons

Core First Learning is a set of printable therapy and/or classroom resources designed to support the teaching of the meaning, use, and spelling of core words. In addition, for students who use AAC devices, this program also teaches them how to find core words in their communication systems. Core First Learning is a program that can support all your students who need a little extra language learning support!

For each core word, five unique lessons are provided and intended to be used over the course of a week. Some of your students may fly through the books and lessons, while others may need a bit more time to grasp the concepts. You have the flexibility to use the books and lessons in any way that is most supportive for the students you serve.

Core words are a set of words (36 in all) that we frequently use in reading, writing, and communicating. These words are powerful on their own and can be combined easily to expand a learner’s communicative potential. Core First Learning provides a method of systematically introducing these words and then providing students with the kind of repeated exposure (through books, games, and activities) that makes learning stick.

Core First Learning includes:

· Standardized lesson plans

· A library of 108 books that target 36 core words.

· A collection of 360 reading, writing, and spelling activities.

· A White Paper that lays out the evidence for this program

· Alignment to education standards

Tip: Use these books during shared reading activities. Shared reading exposes students to good models for reading. It creates opportunities to build concepts, expand language, and helps students develop knowledge of print, the patterns in language, and word recognition skills (Ferreiro & Teberosky, 1982). To learn more about shared reading, visit www.project-core.com

To download Core First Learning – Books and Lessons: Core First Lessons - Tobii Dynavox Global

#2: Boardmaker Activities-to-Go

Boardmaker Activities-to-Go is a thematic, editable, and leveled learning program that supports students with special needs and provides everything you need to support interactive, rigorous, and meaningful instruction. All students can participate, regardless of their ability, to demonstrate what they know. You can print or use books, games, and other engaging activities with interactive learning boards or on an iPad.

The program targets life skills, vocabulary learning, science, and social studies. It includes a mix of topics that serves to enhance participation and build academic knowledge and vocabulary from kindergarten through grade 12. Each unit includes:

· 3 levels of instruction

· 4 weekly units in each theme

· 40+ activities in each leveled unit

· 3 leveled books within each unit target the same big idea

· Social, emotional, and behavioral support activities for both individual students and groups.

Tip: Do you have parents who want to support learning at home? Print books and games or send them home in the student’s backpack. Save paper by sending the books via email. They can be read on an iPad or home computer.

Tip: Free lessons are changed out regularly, so make sure to check back often!

To download Boardmaker Activities-to-Go: Boardmaker Activities-to-Go (goboardmaker.com)

#3 - Low-Tech Communication Book

If you need to support students who are non-speaking and require symbol support for communication, a low-tech communication book might be a great place to start exploring.

Tip: Low-Tech Communication Books are available in many languages. Scroll down and click on Core Books and Boards to access them.

To download the low-tech communication book: Core First Communication Boards - Tobii Dynavox US
